4 Natural Ways To Reduce Your TMJ Pain

In the Balinese culture, it is customary for newlyweds to file and buff their teeth to symbolically rid themselves of evils such as lust, greed, and anger.

It takes only ten minutes for the teeth filing by the lay priest and is said to be fairly painless.

In the American culture, excessive teeth grinding (bruxism), and habitual jaw clenching is unavoidably the norm in dealing with nervous tension or anger.

Think about the last time you were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, an endless line at the DMV, or watching your stocks dramatically fluctuate.

Was your jaw completely relaxed and void of tension?

Probably not.

The typical tooth-grinder spends an average of 6-8 hours of grinding while they sleep.

That works out to 36 to 48 Balinese ceremonial tooth filings.

If left untreated, one can develop temporal mandibular joint dysfunction or TMJD.  The jaw becomes painful and pops in the joint whenever opening the mouth.

Chewing hard food becomes an arduous task. One might even get neck pain and headaches around the sides of their heads.

Sometimes, it’s a matter of having a bad bite.  Dentists can determine if your bite is misaligned, where the teeth don’t align in harmony.  If that is the case, a plastic mouth guard is prescribed to wear to bed.

4 Alternative Ways To Reduce Your TMJ Pain

1. Breathing exercises can help reduce mental stress in your life.

2. Regular physical exercise can sizzle your TMJ pain by boosting your endorphins which will help relieve your stress so you’ll stop clenching and grinding your jaws.

3. Getting a Massage will without a doubt reduce the tension in your jaw and help provide TMJ pain relief.  Neuromuscular Therapy, (a.k.a. Trigger Point Therapy) focuses on releasing trigger points in the jaw muscles to reduce the tightness and spasms.

4. A newer approach to treating TMJ pain is the painless method of Facial Cupping, where a vacuum suction lifts the jaw muscles, instantly loosening the muscle tension and improving circulation.

I have successfully used Facial Cupping on a number of clients with TMJ complaints.

One client came to me for just a regular therapeutic massage, but when she mentioned she was experiencing jaw pain, I knew how I could help.

Morgan began to massage my jaw also adding a cupping procedure to release the pain. I was pain free and finally able to open my mouth completely for the first time in 2 weeks! He cured my problem and I am still pain free after 2 days.        – Maria P.

Want to Learn A Proven Holistic 3-Step System For Curing TMJ Disorders and Reversing Bruxism and Teeth Grinding Permanently?

Click here to learn more.

In Category: Neck Pain

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