Fix Piriformis Syndrome With Resistance Bands

Piriformis Syndrome Is More Than Just a Pain in the Butt

The piriformis is a tiny, pear-shaped muscle deep in the glutes that helps laterally rotate the hip. If gets too tight, it can impinge the sciatic nerve that runs through or under it, causing tremendous pain, tingling, and numbness through the glutes and into the lower leg.

This condition is called piriformis syndrome.

Physical therapists in Los Angeles published a case report in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy on a 30-year-old male with a 2-year history of piriformis syndrome.

A 3-month program that included 8 clinic visits with a daily home exercise program was prescribed.

The exercise program included the use of elastic resistance bands and resistance band loops which can be very effective at reducing the symptoms of piriformis syndrome.

By strengthening the gluteus maximus, less stress is put on the piriformis, helping prevent any hip motion that may cause the piriformis to become strained and contract.

Click Here to see the Piriformis Strengthening Program

Recommended Piriformis-Strengthening Resistance Band Workout

The sedentary lifestyle of desk jockeys (a person who sits in front of a computer all day) makes it difficult to actively use their back muscles. This inevitably leads to slumped back postures and back pain.

Most exercises are bodyweight or weighted push-pull exercises. These exercises focus on the large, external muscles and are easy to engage physically. When properly utilizing the resistance bands, users have the ability to target the much deeper muscles.

The following twelve resistance band workout exercises will help to reverse slouched back and turtle-neck postures, as well as stabilize and strengthen the muscles around your hips, which should prove very useful in soothing lower back pain.

Recommended Bands:

  • Resistance Band Loops by Fit Simply

This is a top-quality resistance band loop that comes in 5 varying resistance levels.

Learn more

  • Long Fitness Band with Door Anchor by URBANFit

These long fitness bands are made of ultra-durable latex rubber that will not break or weaken over time.  Each resistance band is 5 feet long and wider than most bands on Amazon.

Learn more

In Category: Hip Pain

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