Fix Your Posture, Fix Your Knee Pain

Next to back and neck pain, knee pain is the most common site of pain and disability in the legs.

When knee problems occur and a person loses their full range of pain-free movement and functional strength their quality of life is dramatically affected.

Night after night of disturbed sleep leaves most knee pain sufferers no choice, but to take medication, maybe even stop work, and let go of doing activities that give them joy.

Once active lifestyles are deserted due to knee pain, the consequences ultimately lead to reduced fitness and weight gain, which will further impact their knee problems.

Fix Your Posture, Fix Your Knee Pain

The supportive structures of the knee are susceptible to injury, especially when a person wrenches it while performing a forceful twisting motion.

This can easily happen while slipping on a wet surface, playing a sport, or falling directly onto the knee resulting in a potential ligament and/or meniscus tear.

Prolonged Standing

Specific injuries aren’t the only cause for knee pain. Postural neglect plays a big role as one of the common causes of knee pain.

Prolonged standing positions limit range of motion and can gradually make the knee joint weaker, making it lose it’s shock absorbing capacity.

When the load on the knee is suddenly increased, as in jumping or going into a deep squat, the knees can become overloaded and pain sets in.

Prolonged Sitting

A recent British study found that the average adult spends 14 hours a day sitting. Inactivity and low fitness levels are several factors which lead to the development of knee pain.

Prolonged sitting postures with the knees bent for an extended period of time will eventually overstretch and overload the structures in and around the knee.

This can lead to stiffness and pain when rising from a seated position, and if the bent posture continues, the knee may even become painful while sitting.

Poor Sleeping Posture

The structures in and around the knee can also become overstretched and overloading while lying in a sleeping position because the knee is bent for an extended period of time.

Helpful Tip: Placing a pillow between the knees instead of letting the knees press together is a simple solution.

If this doesn’t do the truck, then lying supine with a pillow under your knees can help ease the pain.

Being Overweight

Being overweight has been linked to the onset of knee pain by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS).

Studies say that having a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25 points is associated with an increased risk of knee pain accompanied by loss of function.

If a person has a BMI greater than 25, the AAOS suggests a 5% weight loss and this can help decrease knee pain.

To calculate your BMI, click here. Just enter your height and weight.

What We Can Learn About Knee Pain By Watching Children Move

Watch a 4 old child and you’ll instantly notice how active they are and how they’re naturally inclined to be constantly moving.

When recess rolls around, what do they do? Sit on their bums and veg out?


They run around like bolts of lightning and hop, skip and jump.

This is a learning opportunity for knee pain sufferers. Instead of resting the knee by doing less, activity is essential to reversing the debilitating effects of knee pain.

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8 Dead Simple Exercises for Knee Pain Relief


Source: Treat Your Own Knee by Robin McKenzie

In Category: Knee Pain

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