My Back Pain Book Is Now Available On Amazon



My back pain book, Back To The Past: 9 Ways To Free Yourself From Back Pain So You Can Feel Like Yourself Again is now available on Amazon.

Here’s the Book Description:

Do you ever find yourself slouching in your chair, contorting your body like a human question mark? Poor posture can eventually lead to acute back pain, and when that strikes, desperation follows, and finding a quick fix to improve your downgraded quality of life can sometimes lead down the dark path of painkillers and other drastic measures.

Having helped thousands of his clients who suffered with chronic pain and sports injuries, 14-year veteran massage therapist Morgan Sutherland shares nine simple ways to reverse the damage of bad posture and back pain and prevent it from coming back.

If you, or someone you know, suffer from a painful or crippling back spasm that leaves you contorted like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, or stabbing sciatic pain shoots down your hip into your leg and foot; or your flexibility is so compromised that standing up straight is a Sisyphean task; then this book is for you.

Morgan Sutherland gives you detailed information and clear illustrated instructions to help you find relief from your back pain. You’ll learn to help yourself with simple exercises and increase your quality of living.

Grab a copy here!

In Category: Back Pain

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