5 Worst Exercises For Your Shoulders

Many of my massage clients come in complaining of back pain, but most of the time their shoulders are sore and jam-packed with knots.

Having a forward head posture and rounded shoulders is unavoidable for most “desk jockeys” and smartphone enthusiasts.  Over time, these bad postural habits can tighten the shoulder muscles, decreasing their range of motion and making them weaker.

So let’s say this desk jockey is YOU and you know that your shoulders are not as strong as you’d like them to be so you decide to strengthen them.  Makes sense, right?

So you head over to your local gym and go crazy (because you’re pressed for time) and you do a bunch of exercises for your shoulders, and you know what ends up happening…

The next day or two, your shoulder feels WORSE OFF then before and now you’re stuck with a gym membership that you can’t even take advantage of.

“I’ll just book a massage”, you think.  Hey, that’s great for me, but I want you to go back to the gym and strengthen those shoulders.  OK, I’m not a personal trainer, and I don’t play one on TV, but I know a thing about good body mechanics and so does exercise rehabilitation specialist, Rick Kaselj.

So if you are currently suffering from a shoulder injury, but want to continue working out please watch Rick’s helpful videos to ensure you’re not causing any further damage. Sometimes what seems like a small nagging injury can gradually become much more serious if you’re using incorrect form.

Even if you don’t currently have a shoulder injury you should be interested to know that 38% of all resistance training-related injuries affect the shoulder complex making it the #1 injury by far.

So before I forget, here are the 5 worst exercises for your shoulders Rick’s going walk you through (and show you how to do the proper way) …

1. The Single Arm Row

2. The Shoulder Press

3. Neck Lat Pulldowns

4. Bench Dip

5. Upright Rows

Click here to learn how to do the exercises THE RIGHT WAY!



In Category: Shoulder Pain

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