
effects of sleep deprivation

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in Later Life

You spend nearly a third of your life asleep. During that time, your body does more than rest; it repairs cells, stores memories, and helps prepare you for the day to come. It’s no wonder that sleep is essential for our overall health. The difference between excellent and poor sleep is like night and day… Read more

declutter and organize your home

How to Declutter and Organize Your Home for Optimal Mental Health

With the rise of people working from home, there has been an increase in anxiety and depression worldwide. This isn’t just the result of a lack of socialization but, more importantly, your home’s impact on your mental health. It’s no easy task to declutter and organize your home, but it’s a sure way to turn… Read more

work from home exercise

Top 10 Work From Home Exercises to Keep You Energized in 2022

Remembering to exercise when working from home can be difficult. Because of the pandemic and other factors like technological advancements, most employers are allowing their employees to work from the comfort of their homes. While working from home comes with several benefits, including no commute, avoiding furry coworkers, and more, it has a few setbacks… Read more

Ultimate Bath Experience

5 Tips To Create The Ultimate Bath Experience When You’re Feeling Wiped Out

Need to wind down after a week of constant work stress? Don’t worry. We’ve got your back! Rather than spending time traveling to the salon for a massage, why not indulge in some gentle self-care and reward yourself with the ultimate bath experience. Isn’t a long and soothing bath just what you need to restore… Read more

herbal teas for skin

5 Amazing Benefits Of Herbal Teas For Skin Health

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” – Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French lawyer, politician, and famous gastronome What you eat can directly impact the way your skin looks and feels. That is why using an inside-out approach is often cited as the ultimate solution to getting radiant-looking skin… Read more

normal sleep routine

5 Ways to Adjust to a Normal Sleep Routine

Not getting enough sleep each night is one of the worst habits for your overall health and wellness. Running on a chronic sleep deficiency can impact both your mental and physical health, making it critical that you are intentional about creating healthy sleep habits. Here are five ways that you can adjust to a normal… Read more

digital eye strain relief

Top 10 Tips for Digital Eye Strain Relief

If you spend long periods looking at your smartphone or working on a computer, you need to watch out for something called digital eye strain. According to a 2015 survey by the American Optometric Association, 59% of adults have experienced symptoms of digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome, as a direct result of spending… Read more

Yoga for Mental Health

8 Benefits of Yoga for Mental Health

Throughout this rollercoaster ride of a pandemic, we’ve learned to adapt to increased levels of stress and anxiety, the uncertainties of sickness, as well as cope with existing mental health conditions. The Benefits of Yoga for Mental Health If you’re looking to improve your self-care routine for better mental health, yoga can be a great… Read more

before self-diagnosing yourself with diabetes.

10 Healthy Ways for Lowering Blood Sugar Levels in 2022

If you live with the daily struggles of diabetes, you know how stressful lowering blood sugar levels can be. You also know how one bad decision… one tempting chocolate truffle…  can lead to the all too common symptoms of this challenging and isolating disease – fatigue, dizziness, confusion, shaking, irritability, hunger, and weakness. Remember, before… Read more


Gymtimidation: What It Means and How To Overcome It

If you’ve ever felt worried that people at the gym are judging you, you’ve had experience with gym anxiety. Gym anxiety, or gymtimidation, is the fear of working out in front of others. It can prevent you from meeting your fitness goals or even setting foot in the gym. However, by learning more about gymtimidation… Read more

Relaxation Techniques For Stress

5 Time-Tested Relaxation Techniques For Stress Management

Whether it’s a rare occurrence or a daily struggle, stress impacts us all. When your stress levels get too high, they can cause your muscles to tighten up, causing tension headaches, migraines, musculoskeletal aches and pains, and even digestive problems. Although there may not be a cure for stress since it’s a natural response derived… Read more

how to sharpen your brain

10 Simple Steps To Sharpen Your Brain and Boost Productivity in 2022

Our brain is one of the most significant parts of our body and helps us regulate virtually every thought and action. But when you succumb to the sluggishness of brain fog, you’re left at the mercy of idle thoughts and lost productivity. It’s normal for our memory and learning capabilities to decline as we age… Read more

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