Neck Pain

how often should you use a neck massager

How Often Should You Use a Neck Massager?

Neck pain has become a rampant problem with the abundance of people working from home, especially when stress hits a boiling point and your posture begins to resemble an upright turtle. Stiffness and pain in the neck can be tremendously frustrating to deal with, making it difficult to focus and concentrate on any task besides… Read more

neck hammock

Does Neck Hammock Work For Relieving Pain?

Are you spending most of your time sitting at your desk? If so, then it’s no surprise that you’re probably struggling with low-grade neck pain. You’re not alone. Nowadays, most people end up consuming innumerable hours sitting at their desks, with their heads jutting forward. There are solutions out there to help get rid of… Read more

spinal decompression

The Most Useful Tools for Spinal Decompression At Home

These days, neck pain and back pain are common issues plaguing almost everyone. As most of the population becomes more tech-savvy, we are all spending more time bent over our computers or smartphones. Whether that’s due to our careers, our continuing education, or pure browsing, the fact of the matter is, technology is ruining our… Read more

What is the Best Treatment for Neck and Shoulder Pain?

The CDC in the research said that 20% of people suffer from neck and shoulder pain for three continuous months or on and off. It is hard not to imagine that this number must have risen due to the stay at home workers continually staring down at their phones or working the whole day in… Read more

4 Best Neck Stretches for Tension Headaches

Forward head postures can cause chronic shortening of the suboccipitals, the muscles at the base of the skull, whose main function is to rock and tilt the head into extension. Tightness in the suboccipitals can lead to a lack of blood flow and trigger points, resulting in a headache-like pain pattern. Next to back pain… Read more

How To Treat A Pinched Nerve And Prevent It Happening Again

Have you ever bashed yourself in the elbow and hit your “funny bone”? The pain travels all the way up the ulnar nerve and can cause pain up to your arm, making it hard to bend your elbow, and even sometimes causing muscle weakness. Everyone overextends themselves sometimes, and this can ultimately lead to a… Read more

7 Effective Ways To Get Rid of Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades [Updated 2022]

Do You Have Deep Knots in your Shoulder Blades? If you’re sitting at your computer and starting to feel your shoulders stiffing up and creeping up towards your ears, then it’s inevitable that you’re going to get deep knots in shoulder blades. Fear not, for I have put together 7 super effective ways to eliminate… Read more

How to Fix Hunched Neck and Shoulders in 4 Moves

Sitting for long periods can inevitably lead to a hunchback posture.  In this article, you will learn how to fix hunched neck and shoulders in just four moves. But what exactly is hunchback posture? Forward head, slumping shoulders, a tilted pelvis, you know the telltale signs you’ve been teleported back to 15th century Paris.  (Quasimodo)… Read more

5 Steps To Fix Forward Head and Prevent Text Neck Symptoms

Sedentary lifestyles inevitably result in thousands of hours spent with your body resembling a human question mark—head jutting forward, shoulders are rounding and stomachs getting closer to your knees. This Quasimodo-like posture has given rise to the smartphone-related cervical spine injury referred to as “Text Neck”.  In this article, I’m going to go over how to… Read more

5 Do It Yourself Moves To Cure A Stiff Neck

Knots and kinks in the neck are practically unavoidable if you’re plugging away at your computer all day with your head jutting forward, shoulders rounded and rear end glued to your office chair. This desk jockey posture easily upsets your neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles making them seize up and develop that notorious stiff… Read more

Massage For Tension Headache Relief

Tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches that I see in my office. Symptoms range from mild to moderate pain in the head that feels like there’s tight vice strapped around your noggin. Mountains of stress, coupled with bad forward head posture, can easily trigger a tension headache. Taking over-the-counter pain… Read more

5 Solutions to Help Resolve a Crick in the Neck

Sitting hunched over your computer for hours combined with bone-chilling winter weather can make you look like you’re wearing your shoulders as earrings. Taking long flights to visit family or getting stuck in bumper to bumper traffic can easily cause stiff necks, headaches, and knots in your shoulders that just won’t go away. In this blog post… Read more

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