Deep Tissue Massage with Cupping Melts Stubborn Knots Like Nobody’s Business
In today’s high-stress culture, most people live a sedentary lifestyle, sitting slouched over their computer or smartphone, looking like a human question mark—their heads jutting forward, shoulders rounded and getting close to their ears, and stomachs getting close to their knees.
Does this sound familiar?
Now, you’re probably familiar with the therapeutic benefits of Deep Tissue Massage, including how it loosens knots, increases range of motion, and reduces pain and inflammation. When I add Cupping to my massage session, I can get even faster results with less pain.
Cupping along the spine stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, producing a relaxing and sedating effect on the recipient. It’s not uncommon for them to fall asleep.
When treating clients who suffer from low back pain, the silicone cups allow me to go deep without causing my clients pain.
The powerful suction of Cupping can lift and release adhesions deep in the rotator cuff muscles and even help thaw a frozen shoulder, making it more mobile.
Cupping has been around for thousands of years and involves suction, also known as negative pressure.
The silicone cups become an extension of my hands, allowing me to decompress and create negative pressure. This seamlessly lifts and releases muscle adhesions, rather than performing the classic compression of massage.
Achieving these profound therapeutic results is not possible with hands alone. It’s said that 5 minutes of cupping is equivalent to 30 minutes of a deep tissue massage. I can achieve immediate results, bringing a pain scale of 9 to a 1 or 2 in minutes.