Do You Have Deep Knots in Your Shoulder Blades?
If you’re sitting at your computer and starting to feel your shoulders stiffing up and creeping up towards your ears, then it’s inevitable that you’re going to get deep knots in shoulder blades.
Fear not, for I have put together 7 super effective ways to eliminate those stubborn knots and leave feeling loose and pain-free.
More often than not, the pain between your shoulder blades is cervicogenic, meaning that it’s coming from your neck. So to begin, the first thing you should try is a cervical extension.
Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades Remedy #1: Neck Stretches
Chin Tucks

Start with your shoulders rolled back and down.
While looking straight ahead, place two fingers on your chin, slightly tuck your chin and move your head back.
Hold for three to five seconds and then release.
Repeat 10 times.
Neck Extension

Next, bring your neck back until you feel it produce that deep pain between the shoulder blades, but that’s when you back off and bring the neck back to neutral.
If you feel the pain moves from your shoulder to the center of your neck, that’s a good sign.
Levator Scapulae Stretch with Strap

First, wrap a rope or yoga strap around a banister, doorknob, or a sturdy structure.
With your left hand, grab hold of the strap and step 3 feet away from where it’s anchored.
Next, grasp right behind the skull or hairline base with your right hand and gently pull it toward your right shoulder. Whatever you do, don’t sniff your armpit. (Good, you’re paying attention.)
Hold the stretch for about two seconds and repeat 10–20 times. Repeat on the opposite side.
Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades Remedy #2: Wall Angels

Keep your feet about 4 inches away from the wall and maintain a slight bend in your knees.
Your glutes, spine, and head should all be against the wall as you bring the shoulder blades together and squeeze, forming the letter “W” with your arms. Hold for 3 seconds.
Now raise your arms to form the letter “Y.” Make sure not to shrug your shoulders to your ears.
Repeat this 10 times, starting at “W,” holding for 3 seconds, and then raising your arms into a “Y.” Do two to three sets.
Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades Remedy #3: 6-Step Trick
Sometimes it helps to fatigue your tighten up shoulder muscles to release the tension. So the way to do that is by following this technique.
Let’s say it’s the right side that is achy and stiff. Follow this 6-step trick to contract the muscle and fatigue it.
- Elevate shoulder
- Bring the shoulder back.
- Extend the neck back.
- Bring your ear to the shoulder.
- Turn your head away and lookup.
- Tight the shoulder up while you’re in this position.
Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades Remedy #4: Cat and Cow pose
In an all-fours position, starting on your hands and knees, move into the Cat Pose by slowly pressing your spine up, arching your back.
Hold the pose for a few seconds, then move to the Cow Pose by scooping your spine in, pressing your shoulder blades back, and lifting your head.
Moving back and forth from Cat Pose to Cow Pose helps move your spine to a neutral position, relaxing the muscles and easing tension.
Repeat the sequence 10 times, flowing smoothly from cat to cow and cow back to the cat.
Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades Remedy #5: Self-Massage With Ball or Foam Roller
Stretching is not enough when it comes to releasing a knotted muscle.
If you can’t carve out the time to schedule a professional, deep-tissue massage, or you can’t fit one into your budget, performing a self-massage with a tennis ball, lacrosse ball, or foam roller can be a cost-effective alternative.
Tennis Ball in the Sock Method
Put a tennis ball or lacrosse ball into a sock or pantyhose and then lean up against a wall. Once you find that deep knot in the shoulder blades, hold the pressure on that spot for 20 to 30 seconds.
You should eventually start to feel those knots begin to release.
Foam Roller Method
Foam Roll Spinal Release

With this foam roller stretch, you won’t be rolling at all; you’ll be using your arms for the movement. Place your arms down at your sides.
Keeping them completely straight, lift them up and over your head until they touch the floor behind you (like you’re raising your arms in excitement).
You can also raise them sideways, mimicking a snow angel type of movement.
Punch The Sky
Lie vertically on the foam roller with your arms extended out toward the ceiling aligned with your shoulders.

Slowly reach your right arm toward the ceiling as far as possible, leaving the left arm extended and relaxed.
Now alternate arms and reach your left arm toward the ceiling as far as you can, leaving the right arm extended and relaxed.
Once you’ve completed alternating one arm to the next, “punch” both arms forward together 10 times, reaching as far as you can toward the ceiling.
Thread The Needle

If the foam roller is along your left side, reach your right arm under your body and place it palm-up on the foam roller.
Push your right arm forward so that your body begins to twist, and the foam roller begins to roll toward your elbow. Follow your arm with your head.
Roll back to the center position and repeat 5 times. Turn your head away from your arm another 5 times. Flip your hand over, palm-down, and repeat another 5 times with your head toward your arm and 5 times away from your arm.
Switch the foam roller to the opposite side and repeat. Only go as far as you’re comfortable with while doing this stretch.
Check out this comprehensive review of the scientific research into foam rollers. It cites 19 scientific papers and reviews 6 popular claims to help people make evidence-based decisions.
Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades Remedy #6: Massage Tools
For whatever reason, if you can’t book a professional deep tissue massage to combat those deep knots in shoulder blades, then using a massage tool can be a decent alternative.
Here are 3 popular massage tools that get the job done:
1) Body Back Buddy
2) Theracane
3) Pure Wave Massager
Deep Knots in Shoulder Blades Remedy #7: Full Back Stretch

Stand arm’s length in front of a doorknob, arm rail, or heavy object that you can grip, and then lean forward with arms slightly bent so that you can grasp the table with both hands.
Keep your arms straight with the head level with your shoulders. Hold for 10 seconds.
You should now be feeling like those deep knots in shoulder blades are just a distant memory.
Recommended Posture Course
In my new video course, Reverse Bad Posture Exercises, you will learn easy and effective exercises to fix bad posture – like forward head, text neck, and rounded shoulders.
You will also learn how to correct upper and lower cross syndromes so you can prevent neck, back, and shoulder pain. I will walk through all the exercises step by step.
By the end of this 2-hour course, you’ll have all the tools to build good posture habits. You’ll feel happier, healthier, and maybe even appear 3 inches taller.