Got Leg Cramps? Sports Massage Can Help!

Got Leg Cramps? Sports Massage Can Help!

Severe foot and leg cramps can be painful, leaving behind soreness that at times can last for days.

What causes these cramps, and is there anything that can be done?

There are many potential causes for leg and foot cramps. It cannot be singled down to one thing and experts are not aware of any one cure that suits every sufferer of these pains. Leg cramps can happen to anyone, at any age, while they are sleeping or resting. They do not have to occur at night, though they often do. Leg cramps are more common in middle-aged and older adults, but they are certainly not restricted by age. They can be brought on by dehydration, overuse of the muscle, a potassium deficiency and from not wearing appropriate footwear.

5 Ways to Help Prevent Leg & Foot Cramps

1. Make sure you stay well hydrated, especially in hot weather.  Hydrate with water, not soda, coffee or drinks loaded with sugar. Not being well hydrated allows toxins to build up in the muscle tissue and some believe this is what causes the cramping.

2. Eating a banana every day will help maintain your potassium levels.

3. Proper shoe wear for your feet. The occasionally fancy boot or high-heels is fine, but your everyday shoes should fit properly and support your foot correctly so as not to strain the muscles in either the calf or foot.

4. When going to bed, stretch first or do some light aerobic exercise to loosen up any tension remaining in your legs from the day. Keep your bedclothes loose so that your toes are not being compressed and inadvertently tensing your calves or the muscles in the sole of your foot.

5. Get regular massage therapy.  A Sports Massage can help loosen up tight muscles and prevent future bouts of cramping.

In Category: Leg Pain, Sports Massage

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