declutter and organize your home

How to Declutter and Organize Your Home for Optimal Mental Health

With the rise of people working from home, there has been an increase in anxiety and depression worldwide. This isn’t just the result of a lack of socialization but, more importantly, your home’s impact on your mental health. It’s no easy task to declutter and organize your home, but it’s a sure way to turn around your mental and physical health when spending the better part of your day at home.

How to Declutter and Organize Your Home

Benefits of a Clean/Organized Space

clean space

There are many benefits to an organized home, including reducing stress, improving sleep, and boosting physical health. You’re sure to see an increase in your mental health in a clean and organized home instead of the stress a messy home will bring.

Getting rid of things that are no longer of value will impact you psychologically by allowing you to feel more in control and at peace.

Start with Small Renovations

declutter and organize your home

Before getting into the organizing stage, start with minor updates to transform your home into a place that makes you happy and productive, primarily if you work from home. Small projects that make a big difference can include replacing old carpets, swapping out bathroom vanities, and updating kitchen cabinets.

There is only so much you can do to keep it nice and clean when it comes to carpet. Consider replacing carpet with hardwood or laminate flooring for ease in cleaning and a fresh up-to-date look. Carpet can make a room feel small and dingy, whereas hard floors will open up a space making it seem light and airy.

The easiest way to rejuvenate your bathroom is by adding a bathroom vanity that makes a statement. Investing in a piece that you’ll use daily is key in transforming your bathroom into a sanctuary. Getting ready at the vanity each morning can undoubtedly influence your day, so it’s best to select one that meets your expectations – functionally and aesthetically.

replace kitchen cabinets

Lastly, updating your kitchen cabinets can impact how you look at food. There are plenty of different ways to make the change. Paint can be a quick, easy fix that you can do yourself and transform your kitchen entirely. You may also consider replacing them if your current cabinets are damaged or not functioning correctly. And you’ll want your kitchen to feel warm and inviting in your living spaces. Updating these cabinets will liven up the room while maintaining your current design.

Organize Room by Room

This may seem daunting, particularly if your home organization has slipped to the wayside in the past. When organizing, you’ll want to start and finish one room at a time. The mess will get worse before it gets better, and it can be overwhelming to try and tackle the entire house all at once.


Organize your kitchen first, as it is likely the most trafficked room in your home. The key here is making it a functional space in every way you can. Start with the pantry; here, you’ll want to group like items together to make the task of cooking a bit easier. Then transition to the refrigerator and freezer to do the same.


This will include any storage that goes along with the bathroom. You’ll have towels, personal products, and bulk stock to organize here. The bathroom is one of the most used rooms and will need to be functional for you and your family.

Creating a space for everyone’s belongings within the bathroom reduces stress when getting ready in the mornings and at bedtime.


bedroom closet

It’ll look different in each bedroom of the house, but the essential part is organizing the closet properly. Start first by looking at each piece of clothing in the wardrobe and deciding to keep or donate it.

Items that don’t fit or are out of style need to go; these will only aid in creating self-image problems, ultimately leading to poor mental health. Keep items that fit correctly and give feelings of joy to reduce any anxiety around getting dressed each morning.

Decorate for Optimal Mental Health

In addition to small renovations and organization, you’ll want to decorate and organize your home to promote good mental health and make you happy to be there. Utilize items such as greenery and color to improve your mood around the house.

declutter and organize your home

Bring the outdoors in with plants and flowers. This is very trendy in the home design world, but it can also improve how you feel in your home. Keep fresh flowers in your kitchen, and even using items made from natural materials such as wood or stone can accomplish this improved mood.

Another effortless thing to do is let in natural light and open windows for fresh air when the weather permits. You’ll see a massive change in mood when implementing these simple items into your design.

Color psychology has been tested over years of studies and research done by medical professionals. Implementing their findings in your home can treat minor cases of depression and anxiety or help avoid feeling down.

color psychology

Start by thinking about the way that different colors make you feel. Cool colors tend to be more calming such as green, blue, and purple, whereas warm colors can increase your productivity.

Mixing these with neutrals throughout the various rooms of your home will improve the overall mood you have while at home.

Practice Self-Care Daily

Self-care tends to get overlooked through the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Everyone is busy, but take time each day to practice self-care. This can look different for everyone, but some common ways are through exercise, relaxation, or personal hygiene.

self care exercise

Exercise is something that everyone needs, but this too can look different for everyone depending on your preferences. Some enjoy a nice walk/run outdoors, and others prefer weightlifting at the local gym. The important thing is to move your body for at least 30 minutes each day to live a healthy physical and mental life.

Relaxing can be challenging in today’s world, but we all need to take time weekly, if not daily, to “log off” from the everyday grind. This can be accomplished through meditation, reading a book, or getting a massage.

One way to reap the benefits of regular massages is to utilize the flexibility of mobile massage. This is where a professional will come to your home, making it easy to take a much-needed break in your busy schedule.

mobile massage

Personal hygiene is a must, but most people don’t spend enough time taking care of their bodies. Spending time each morning and night to take care of your physical body will help boost your mood and change how you look at yourself. You’d be surprised the impact implementing a simple skin-care routine into your day can have on your mental health.

When attempting to declutter and organize your home, the number one thing to remember is that life only gets better once you step back and appreciate all you’ve accomplished. Take it step-by-step as you slowly transform your home, and as time passes, you’re sure to see results and feel the payoff.

In Category: Health

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