Doe Biofreeze Reduce Inflammation for Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis?

Biofreeze is #1 clinically used and recommended topical analgesic that has been providing relief to countless arthritis sufferers.

The pain reliever’s unique, cooling formulation is also comforting to sore muscles and muscle sprains; easing back, shoulder and neck pain; reducing painful ankle, knee, hip and elbow joints and helping to lessen effects of muscular strains.

Doe Biofreeze Reduce Inflammation

Does Biofreeze reduce inflammation for knee pain sufferers?

A recent study in Louisville, KY focused on the effects of Biofreeze on patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). The results were published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy.

In the study, 20 knee arthritis patients performed 5 functional tasks with Biofreeze or a placebo gel on separate days.

The researchers recorded changes in performance and pain with each functional task in both conditions. The subjects performed the following functional tasks:

  • 6 minute walk
  • Timed Up and Go
  • Timed Chair Stand
  • Up Stairs
  • Down Stairs

The results proved that Biofreeze significantly decreased pain and inflammation in 4 of 5 functional tasks, whereas the placebo did not reduce pain in any of the functional tasks.

Also, applying Biofreeze to the arthritic knee resulted in improved performance in 3 out of 5 functional tasks, whereas the placebo improved only 1 of 5 functional tasks.

The researchers deduced that there was a “27% to 37% decline in pain following the application” of Biofreeze.

Menthol, the active ingredient in Biofreeze, reduces pain through biochemical mechanisms by stimulating cold receptors.

The study’s authors concluded, “Using topical menthol to compliment standard pharmacological treatment of knee OA may contribute to enhanced pain relief and improve functional ability, particularly during pain-evoking activities.”

Resource: Hygenic Blog

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