How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle

There are countless blogs, social media posts, magazines, and books about how to start living a healthy lifestyle; however, the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming. How do you know what information is truly valuable?

Well, if you want to get healthy without suffering from information overload, you’re in luck. While health experts may disagree on an array of topics, there are some that are almost virtually agreed upon. Keep reading to learn 4 tried-and-true tips for head-to-toe health.

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle Tip #1:  Wake Up Early

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle

There might actually be something to the old adage, “The early bird gets the worm.” Waking up early has a number of benefits, including enhanced productivity, reduced stress, and sharpened problem-solving skills.

Getting up early gives you a jump start on your day. You will have more time to exercise, get organized, and prepare a healthy breakfast and lunch. In fact, many top business executives start their day before 6 am.

Waking up early can also help fight that post-sleep fatigue and lethargy (also known as sleep inertia). The human body can take anywhere from two to three hours to fully transition to wakefulness. If you are used to rolling out of bed 30 minutes before work, it is no wonder why you need that second cup of coffee to get going.

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle Tip #2:  Exercise Every Day

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle

While there is debate about the ideal type of physical activity for health, most experts agree that any type of physical activity is good for both mental and physical health.

Not only does exercise play a key role in weight control, but it can also stabilize mood, increase energy levels, and combat disease.

While people often express a desire to exercise regularly, they often find it difficult to get and stay motivated. If this sounds like you, try doing exercises you enjoy, and do not force yourself to do the types you hate.

If you love hiking, try incorporating several hikes and nature walks into your week, and if it helps keep you motivated, bring your dog along.

As a matter of fact, your dog is actually a great workout partner, and he can be included in all kinds of low-impact fitness activities, including yoga, rollerblading, and even paddleboarding.

Your four-legged friend’s company and bliss in being active can be a great tool for keeping you both in shape. If you still need a motivational boost, it may also be beneficial to reward yourself with a post-exercise treat, like a movie or coffee.

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle Tip #3:  Healthy Coping Mechanisms

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle

When life gets stressful, it is important to have healthy outlets. At the end of a long day, it can be easy to reach for a quick-fix stress-reliever like drugs or alcohol.

Not only will these substances offer only temporary relief from stress, but they will also likely exacerbate it. You will also put yourself at increased risk of certain diseases.

Women, in particular, are at a higher risk for health problems related to drinking, particularly when it comes to breast cancer. In fact, research shows that women who consume at least one drink a day have a higher risk of breast cancer.

Instead of negative coping mechanisms that negatively impact your health, channel your stress into something you love, such as a hobby, time with friends, or exercise.

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle Tip #4:  Eat Good Food

How to Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle

Eating a healthy diet doesn’t have to be confusing or overly tasking. Instead of adopting a short-term diet, consider changing the way you think about food.

We eat food to nourish our bodies and minds. Because of this, it is important to fill up on healthy, whole foods.

Simply put, eating healthy involves eating a variety of fresh, nutrient-dense foods, such as vegetables, nuts, fruit, and lean protein. Avoid overly-processed food that contains artificial ingredients like sugar, vegetable oil, and cornstarch.

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By getting enough sleep, exercising each day, eating whole foods, and developing healthy coping strategies, you will be well on your way to living a happier, healthier life.

In Category: Health

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