massage after car accident

Why You Should Get A Massage After Car Accident

Every day, people have the unfortunate experience of a car accident and the injuries associated with them. Some are better than others, like a fender bender tap. Others can destroy people’s lives. Fast pain relief can be possible, and in this article, we will look at numerous benefits to getting a massage after car accident.

Generally, people experience back pain, neck pain, whiplash, sore wrists/hands, and sometimes fractures from accidents.

Massage After Car Accident?

Even though many people see a chiropractor or car accident doctor within 24 hours of an accident, did you know that massage therapy can also help your body heal and return to normal as well?

Continue to learn about the most common car accident injuries and how medical massage therapy could be your solution to pain relief.

Most Common Injury After a Car Accident

massage after car accident

Soft tissue injuries are the most commonly reported injuries in accidents. Soft tissue includes skin, muscles, ligaments, and tendons that are overly stretched or ruptured in an accident.

Under this category has whiplash – the sudden jerk and stretching of shoulder and neck muscles—many report sore necks, headaches, and discomfort that lasts for weeks after an accident.

Massage therapy after a car accident is vital to sensitive areas of the neck, shoulders, and back. Massages encourage the healthy flow of blood and oxygen to restore injured muscles, joints, and tendons. Sore muscles can have built-tension and stiffness that only a massage can break up. However, to be precise, massage doesn’t remove toxins. That’s a myth.

Damaged Nerves and Massage Healing

massage after car accident

Frayed nerves are quite common after a car accident. Even if you don’t suffer an injury, you’ll often feel the effects of hormones, nerve signals, and adrenaline following an accident.

The shock and trauma of a sudden crash are enough to put your nerves through a loop that can add anxiety and harm your emotional stability.

Massage therapy is a natural solution to calming nerves and promoting nerve restoration. There’s nothing quite as relaxing as a massage, and the reality is your body goes through a lot when it’s in a traumatic crash. Those dealing with emotional distress, PTSD, or anxiety, visit a massage therapist to help you relax.

Concussions and Head Injuries

massage after car accidentConcussions result from hitting your head and damaging your brain. This most often happens due to the head hitting the steering wheel in a halt, but it can occur from other things.

Items that aren’t secured can move around and hit your head, or if you’re not wearing a seat belt, you could hit the dash or window.

If you suffer a concussion, it’s essential to see a TBI car accident specialist and get a massage after a car accident. You can read about how to tell if you’ve suffered a concussion.

Once you confirm a traumatic brain injury like a concussion, multiple massages can work wonders for a head injury. Specific techniques can strengthen your parasympathetic nervous system and provide relief to impacted nerves.

Other Injuries and Massage Treatment

Many different injuries don’t fall under one specific category. We break down how massage therapy treats each injury below.

Spinal Cord Injuries

massage after car accident

Injuries to the spinal cord, back, and vertebrae can be debilitating and immensely painful. A chiropractor can adjust vertebrae back into place, and a massage therapist can relax your back for these movements.

Besides, massage therapy increases your range of motion and helps the back to recover faster.

If you’ve suffered a nerve injury, a massage treatment will help strengthen your nervous system.

Knee and Leg Injuries

Though not as common as whiplash or back injuries, many people suffer blows to the knee and leg. These problems typically involve injured joints, inflammation, and a variety of other issues.

A massage therapist can perform muscle stripping and trigger point therapy to help your knee or leg compress pain. Mobility must be restored to the knee joint fully, so future problems don’t arise.



Bone fractures are commonplace in accidents, and they can occur anywhere in the body! Hip, finger, leg, and shoulder fractures are all game.

You’ll want to see an orthopedic specialist and a physical therapist for these injuries, but again, massage therapy can also help! Massages relax muscles and reduce muscle tension.

These are all key in fractures and making sure you feel comfortable as your body goes through the healing process.

Try Out Massage Therapy Today and Get Your Life Back

Being in a car accident is challenging, inconvenient, and takes you away from the things you love. Don’t let an accident steal your life, and give massage therapy a chance.

In addition to an accident chiropractor, you’ll be amazed at how fast the body can heal itself if you give it a fighting chance!

Author Bio:
Isaiah Ram is a writer, musician, and marketer. He currently writes for a car accident clinic in Atlanta. He and his wife exist to unleash the potential in people and businesses, and he recommends giving massage therapy a chance. It could change your life!

In Category: Massage Benefits

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