how to sharpen your brain

10 Simple Steps To Sharpen Your Brain and Boost Productivity in 2022

Our brain is one of the most significant parts of our body and helps us regulate virtually every thought and action. But when you succumb to the sluggishness of brain fog, you’re left at the mercy of idle thoughts and lost productivity.

It’s normal for our memory and learning capabilities to decline as we age, but luckily, there are many ways to sharpen your mind and keep your brain vibrant.

Memorizing more and recalling information will boost your self-esteem and enable you to engage in various productive activities. All that is possible when you follow these ten ‘brain-strengthening’ steps.

10 Simple Steps To Sharpen Your Brain and Fortify Your Mind

1. Reduce Stress

how to sharpen your brain

When you’re overburdened with stress, it can make you forgetful and unable to focus and process new ideas or recall old ones. Murky thoughts make organizing your day more challenging and ultimately hurt your overall productivity.

Chronic stress can lead to numerous health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart issues. Experiencing mind-numbing depression and anxiety are common mental health problems among many others.

That said, stress management is essential to promote healthy brain functioning to think more clearly and live healthier. Some of the best ways to battle stress are practicing yoga, tai chi, and pampering yourself with regular massage.

2. Exercise Your Body

Sharpen Your Brain

Exercise affects your brain in more ways than we can imagine, so it’s well worth it to hit the gym. Sports and regular physical activity are fantastic ways to enhance your overall wellness, stay healthy and keep your mind fresh. Some of the best training for the brain include aerobic sports, such as cycling, swimming, jogging, hiking, and speed walking.

Exercising releases various positive hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, which help us feel calmer, happier, and less stressed.

On top of that, research shows that sports can further boost cognitive functioning and can reduce the adverse effects of aging on our brains.

3. Feed Your Brain

What we eat is paramount for our overall health and wellness. However, it also seems to influence our brain and cognitive functions strongly. For example, a recent study illustrates that Western high fat-sugar diets can have significant adverse effects on cognition.

On the other hand, antioxidant-rich foods, such as berries, fruits, vegetables, and tea, can promote memory retention, learning, and cognition as a whole.

4. Exercise Your Brain

puzzle pieces

Aside from exercising your body, you can also train your brain using various games and practices. This can help enhance your ability to remember. Then, if you’d like to test your memory and knowledge, you can try various quizzes and puzzles to see how your brain will react.

For instance, solving jigsaw puzzles, sudoku and crosswords, and playing chess, checkers, and video games are excellent ways to stimulate your brain.

These activities present our brains with challenges that make them more active and boost brainpower. Taking up a new hobby also seems to be effective. Activities such as drawing, knitting, painting, and dancing can test our brain’s coordination and motor skills and improve overall cognition.

5. Learn A New Language

Learning a new language is perhaps another great way to stimulate your brain and boost your cognitive functions. It can strengthen the nervous connections in different parts of our brain and sharpen our memory, thinking, and learning abilities. It also seems to reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.

Nevertheless, learning a new language is a challenging task that requires a lot of willpower and dedication.

6. Rest and Recover

rest and recover

Sleep is the foundation of life that we can’t function without. That’s when our body regenerates its energies, and our brain consolidates memories. If we don’t give ourselves enough time to prepare for the next day, our productivity will suffer, and health issues may ensue.

Getting enough sleep is essential for our cognitive functions. Try to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep and opt for a quick nap during the day.

7. Practice Yoga and Mindfulness

Yoga, tai chi, meditation, and other activities that help you practice mindfulness can tremendously benefit your overall health. Moreover, they can also boost brain power by reducing Stress and broadening our minds. For a start, make it a habit to meditate for 5 to 15 minutes every day.

8. Listen to Music

listen to music

Listening to different types of music can reduce stress and soothe our bodies and mind. Moreover, it’s also an enjoyable and engaging activity that can make you happier and more positive.

What’s even better is to learn to play a musical instrument. That will stimulate your brain in a specific way that’s not easily achievable with a different activity. Studies show that playing an instrument can boost your memory and cognition and reduce the adverse effects of aging on the brain.

9. Socialize

Socializing with friends and family is not only enjoyable but can also stimulate our brain. Interacting with other people seems to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Join a local club, play games with others, or participate in social sports, and your brain will thank you.

10. Help Your Brain Health

Once you start applying all the other tips to sharpen your brain, you can also start thinking about trying brain health supplements. These contain various beneficial nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that improve cognition. Although not magic pills, these supplements may significantly affect memory recall, learning, thinking, and overall cognitive function.

Final Words

It’s normal for us to experience forgetfulness, lack of attention, and difficulty learning.

Luckily, there are many ways to boost your brain and feel sharper than ever. With the tips above, you will be on the right track to improving your memory, learning, and overall productivity.

Also, if you decide to take brain health supplements, remember to look for natural research-based formulas.

In Category: Health

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