normal sleep routine

5 Ways to Adjust to a Normal Sleep Routine

Not getting enough sleep each night is one of the worst habits for your overall health and wellness. Running on a chronic sleep deficiency can impact both your mental and physical health, making it critical that you are intentional about creating healthy sleep habits. Here are five ways that you can adjust to a normal sleep routine.

5 Ways to Adjust to a Normal Sleep Routine

1. Create a Sound Sleeping Environment

comfortable bed

One of the best things that you can do to encourage a healthy sleep routine is to create a sound sleeping environment. Start with making sure that you have comfortable bedding and a mattress that suits your personal preferences and needs.

A healthy sleeping environment is also a comfortable temperature. It would be best to minimize noise and other distractions in the sleeping quarters. This may mean that you need to use blackout shades or lean on the use of a white noise machine to drown out extraneous sound. It is essential to take all necessary steps to set up a place to sleep to support your goals.

2. Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Spicy Food

drinking wine

What you eat and drink in the hours before bedtime can also negatively affect how well you sleep. If you know that you are sensitive to caffeine, you will want to avoid this stimulant in the hours leading up to bedtime. This means cutting out caffeine in the late afternoon or early evening hours for most people.

Alcohol may also impact your ability to fall asleep and stay that way. While you may fall asleep quickly after a few drinks, the alcohol wakes you up a few hours later, leading to a restless night. Spicy food in the hours before bed can also lead to uncomfortable digestive issues or heartburn, a sure recipe to keep you up staring at the ceiling.

3. Look Into the Use of CBD and Edibles

cbd oil

Another easy way to ease back into a solid sleep routine is to look into the use of CBD or edibles. These products are helpful for some people dealing with insomnia or other sleep issues.

If you’re wondering what are edibles, you will soon discover how their use can help you feel relaxed to fall asleep more easily. Edibles can minimize sleep disruptions in the middle of the night. The professionals at a dispensary can help to answer your questions and provide you with the best product for your needs.

4. Implement a Regular Bedtime Routine

bedtime routine

Many people swear by a regular bedtime routine as an instrumental part of getting a good night’s rest. How you construct your bedtime routine depends on your habits. This may mean reading a book or drinking a warm mug of chamomile tea for some individuals. Other people may prefer to take a warm bath to relax their bodies before getting into bed.

If your mind keeps you awake as you try to fall asleep, you may want to try meditation or deep breathing exercises before bed. The goal is to create a routine that signals to your brain that it is time to go to sleep.

5. Minimize Blue Light Before Bed

blue light in bed

If you have a habit of reaching for your smartphone or a tablet before bed, it could be that your electronic device is hindering your ability to achieve a regular sleep routine. The blue light from these devices has been shown to disrupt the body’s natural circadian rhythms.

To prevent the disruption of this natural body clock, you should make an effort to avoid your exposure to blue light an hour or two before you want to crawl under the covers. By limiting the amount of artificial light you use in the evening hours, you will signal your brain that it is time to start winding down for the day.

These five tips will go a long way in helping you adjust your body to a normal sleep routine. Once this becomes a habit, you will likely find it much easier to get the sleep you need.

In Category: Health

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